Sunday, January 30, 2011

Step 1: Walk the dog

We have a little pom that is terribly adorable. She makes a great pillow and a soft footrest. She has these ears that migrate from the sides of her head until they overlap on top and can go right flat on the top of her head. If she's in "lookout mode" they rotate like little radar dishes. She only eats raw meat. She'll break her own back for a treat. And she loves to run. Step number one to NOT get a job is getting a dog. Certainly she needs me to walk her more than I need an income, right? On a warm day I can walk her for 30 to 60 minutes. Today its -37 at the airport. She'll be lucky to get 5 minutes before we both refuse to go any further. My friend Alex got sent home from work because they can't work outside. He wanted us to go to the dog park with him. He has two little dachshunds (which everyone seems to pronounce Dash-hound) that will freeze through their baby-soft coats before they can take a leak. If it warms up I'd love to spend the whole day there, but for now I'll have to find another way to keep myself busy.


  1. Oooh, Cody has a BLOG. Hopefully soon he will also have a JOB.

    Cute pictures of Fina.

  2. I am Following you! I want to come visit Fina she looks so soft and cuddly!!! Much better than babies
