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Edmonton drivers are among the worst I have seen. The accomplish that feat in a number of different ways. Lets look at that. Mozambiquan drivers and wreckless and dangerous, but in order to get a licence there you have to survive the roads long enough to pass the mandatory drivers training. They drive like lunatics because they can do it without crashing. On the other side of things are new/student/inexperienced/clueless drivers. There are always a few of them on the road. They drive poorly because they dont know how. They obey all the rules, but they impede traffic everywhere they go. They slow down two blocks early. They change lanes so slowly you miss the next three exits. They are dangerous because you expect them to keep up and they get in the way.
I would estimate that about 40% of edmonton drivers suffer from what is a combination of these driving styles. They don't signal. They slow down too early. They turn the corner too slowly. They change four lanes without checking their blind spot. They look both ways before crossing a green. They back up when they miss their exit. They turn out right in front of you. They go straight in left turn lanes. And they
drive drunk. Often. Licence or not. I have worked with a number of guys who drive an hour each way every day and are on a suspended licence for drunk driving. The guy who hit my car last week was half wasted. Of course its my word against his, because I can't force him to breathalize.
So what do I do when I see someone driving like they've had their brain switched for a turnip? Write it down and call it in. With any luck I'll be seeing him in court. Good way to use my time as well. Nothing quite as satisfying as enforcing the law in your own spare time.
That reminds me of a joke they used to tell. What is the hardest part of getting a drivers licence in Edmonton? The lobotomy.
You can tell that I am very bothered by driving around here. I dont remember this nonsense on the 401. Maybe thats because on the 401 you just take what you want or get out of the way. But lets not forget, that in Edmonton when you let someone merge they always wave. That is small town politeness you dont get in Toronto.